SMD Medea Navis (Lilly)

SMD Ballan Navis
Registration #: 025783
Date of Birth: April 6th, 2011
Sire: Lucifer of Knotting
Dam: SMD Ang Risagh
$65 per straw

SMD Ballan Navis, aka "Bucket" is the complete genetic package to sire quality, high-performing dual purpose offspring.
Ballan has produced thick, easy fleshing, steers with an average harvest of LW 790 lbs at 19 months and 470 lbs hanging weight.
Ballan does not disappoint on the dairy side with udder genetics that produce high-quality udders, high and tight rears with welded-on fores, improved teat size and placement, with excellent capacity and production.
Ballan and his offspring have won multiple Grand Championship Banners at the largest shows in the country.
This is a fine, dual-purpose Dexter that will add quality to your herd.
Ballan is black, horned, carries red; A2/A2 milk protein, 46 inches at the hip, 1,300 lbs. Average calving weight 44.5 lbs.